November 2019.
I worked with the organizers of the 2019 Women’s Running Summit, hosted in New Brunswick, to create this series of graphics to use on posters, stickers and other promotional materials. At this one-day Summit, female-identified runners gathered to discuss different aspects of running, including progression within the sport, emotional well-being, physical challenges, and overall athletic development. Runners of all ages were encouraged to participate, with the hopes of cultivating intergenerational friendships and mentorships.
The theme of the 2019 Summit was: “Integrate Running Into Your Life.”
I created silhouettes of a variety of body types, and connected the runners at their feet, to create a sense of togetherness, and a feeling of moving forward together. I chose to use different colours within the graphics to represent the integration of all dimensions of wellbeing within a person, as well as the integration of running with all parts of a person’s life. I felt these design choices were subtle, implicit ways of communicating the theme of the Summit.